Chiropractic Office Providing Pain Relief, Massage Therapy, and Work Injury Treatments in Chandler.

Chandler VA Chiropractic Care

Qualified Pain Treatment Options for Veterans

Chandler Pain Clinic is approved by the Veteran’s Administration as a preferred vendor for chiropractic care. If you were a U.S. military service member or otherwise qualify for medical treatment covered by the VA, our expert chiropractic team can provide the level of care you need to manage or overcome your pain.

Veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn, as well as older veterans, can qualify for chiropractic care as part of the VA’s standard medical benefits package. Rest assured that by selecting Chandler Pain Clinic for help with pain management, you can receive the best possible VA chiropractic care in Chandler. We offer more than 30 years of experience and a no-obligation initial consultation to help you get started.

Learn more about our services by contacting us at (480) 897-0330 or, fill out our online contact form to book your free consultation.

Do I Qualify for VA Chiropractic Care?

If you receive medical coverage from the VA’s standard medical benefits package, you can qualify for VA chiropractic care. You must also receive a referral for chiropractic care from your primary care physician before seeking covered treatment from Chandler Pain Clinic.

What Are the Benefits of VA Chiropractic Care?

According to the VA, chiropractic care can provide U.S. military veterans with pain relief that can decrease their reliance on opioid painkillers to relieve chronic pain. This can decrease a patient’s risk of opioid abuse and complications that can result from opioid dependency.

What Can Chandler Pain Clinic Do for Me?

If you seek VA chiropractic care in Chandler, we can offer many services that can help you find relief. Whether your pain is related to your service or not, we can apply a variety of techniques that can manage or resolve musculoskeletal conditions.

We can address the following and more when you come to us for treatment:

Back problems

Disc problems

General stiffness and soreness

Hip and pelvic problems

Migraine and Tension headaches

Neck problems

Nerve problems down limbs


Treatments for musculoskeletal conditions such as these can include Active Release Technique (ART), massage therapy, and others that our highly skilled physician can apply.

Contact Us Today

If you want to learn more about VA chiropractic care in Chandler, don’t hesitate to reach out to Chandler Pain Clinic. We can offer a no-obligation consultation, exam, and x-rays upon your first visit.

With more than 30 years of chiropractic care experience, Dr. Christopher Komarnisky has the experience and skill necessary to help you achieve pain relief. Learn more about our services when you reach out to us today.

Get started now by contacting us today at (480) 897–0330 or, via our online form to book your free consultation.

Committed to Helping Every Patient

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Initial exam, consultation & x-rays at no obligation ($275 value)

    Call today for your no obligation initial consultation. Includes exam & x-rays a $275 value! | 480-897-0330