Chiropractic Office Providing Pain Relief, Massage Therapy, and Work Injury Treatments in Chandler.

Chandler Disc Pain Treatment

Helping You Achieve Optimal Vertebral Health

Vertebral discs are very unique structure in human (mammal) physiology. Discs work as cushions and shock absorbers in the spinal column to lessen the impact as we run, climb, or jump. The disc is mostly made of water which gives them great resilience. However, as we age the discs tend to dry up and become more brittle and fragile.

If you are in need of disc pain treatment in Chandler and beyond, our team at Chandler Pain Clinic is here to help. Call us at (480) 897-0330 to schedule your free consultation.

How Your Vertebrae Work

Vertebral discs have no direct blood supply and like synovial joints (hand, elbow, shoulder, etc.) they have no direct blood supply or nervous innervation. As a result, discs get all their oxygen, food, and waste removal through imbibition. That is the action of joint movement is what pumps good stuff in and the bad stuff out. Therefore, discs truly have a “use it or lose it” mentality. If you are not sufficiently active they will degenerate faster, which goes against the conventional wisdom that suggests activity causes arthritis. Actually, inactivity causes reduced joint imbibition and speeds up joint degeneration and discal arthritis (DDD, degenerative disc disease). That being said, overuse or excessive intensity also damages the disc and leads to aberrant function. This dysfunctional action causes the disc to wear out and degenerate. So you have to be careful, too much or too little activity is bad for your disc health.

How Disc Injuries Manifest

When discs become injured, they sometimes swell, causing a disc bulge with joint pain and nerve irritation. This type of disc injury causes moderate to severe back pain and sometimes symptoms extending into the leg. These are radicular symptoms because they radiate from the site of the injury at the vertebral disc. These symptoms can include pain (sharp or dull), burning, tingling, cold, or a crawling sensation (paresthesia).

Treating Disc Injuries

Disc injuries most often can be significantly helped with conservative treatment: chiropractic spinal adjustments, ice, gentle exercise, etc. If the injury is worse, the disc can herniate or prolapse and even leak. This causes severe joint pain and nerve root pressure. This type of disc injury causes extreme back and leg pain, inability to support weight properly, muscle weakness, severe burning sensation, loss of deep tendon reflexes, and severe limb numbness. This type of disc injury can also be helped with chiropractic and conservative methods but it takes a long time to recover.

Sometimes, spinal surgery is required to relieve the nerve root pressure. This is done by snipping off the prolapse disc portion or sawing off a piece of the vertebrae to lessen the nerve root pressure. In severe cases of instability, the surgeon installs hardware; bolts, plates, and screws to secure the spinal area. Spinal surgery is an extreme and dangerous measure and should be held as a last resort, because even under the best circumstances, patients face long recovery times and substantial risk associated with anesthesia, infection, failed back surgery syndrome, and more. The disc and spinal cord are very delicate areas, and there is absolutely no room for any mistakes. There are a variety of ailments that can be associated with the discs in the human spine. and can vary from mild to extremely complex degenerative disc disease. It’s important to receive a proper diagnosis initially and start with the most conservative treatment possible. Your chiropractor is the best place to start.

There are a lot of resources out there supporting the use of chiropractic care to treat various disc-related issues. Various articles can be found in our blog that discuss the various subjects of treating different pains associated with disc problems.


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Get started with us today and begin the process of getting a diagnosis for your disc injuries in Chandler so we can create a treatment plan for you. We only accept cases we feel that when can truly help. Call (480) 897-0330 and you will soon notice a drastic improvement in your quality of life.

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