Chiropractic Office Providing Pain Relief, Massage Therapy, and Work Injury Treatments in Chandler.

Massage Therapy in Chandler

Gentle Options to Help Muscles and Soft Tissues

Chandler Pain Clinic offers massage therapy as part of its pain relief solutions in Chandler, AZ. Massage has been used for healing for centuries and is available in a variety of styles. Its goal is to improve the condition of muscles and soft tissues. Massage helps relax painful muscles while increasing circulation and stimulating lymphatic drainage.

Our expert team uses massage therapy to provide our patients with relief from injuries and underlying causes of pain. This type of gentle medical care can even help with certain health conditions.

The massage techniques we offer can solve muscular problems such as:

  • Soreness
  • Spasms
  • Tension
  • Stiffness

If you suffer from painful muscles, call us today at (480) 897-0030 to schedule an appointment!

Types of Massage Therapy

Muscle pain can be due to many factors, such as stress, poor posture, whiplash, sports injuries, or strain. At Chandler Pain Clinic, our health professionals will work with you to determine which type of massage therapy is appropriate for your specific needs.

Our massage solutions include:

  • Trigger point: this method focuses on softening muscle knots (the trigger points) to reduce pain in both the knot’s spot and other affected areas in the body.
  • Acupressure: sometimes referred to as “acupuncture without the needles,” this technique aims to release tension in meridian channels (energy flows across the body in Asian Bodywork Therapies).
  • Cross-friction: this type of massage applies transverse pressure to tissues to decrease the formation of scar tissue in the case of an injury. It helps restore the soft tissue to healthy functionality and improve the patient’s mobility.
  • Swedish: this kind of massage uses different types of pressure that work on the topmost layers of muscles and deeper tissues. It also uses joint movements to help to ease up tension and improve blood circulation.
  • Deep tissue: this massage technique targets the deeper layers of muscle and soft tissues. The goal is to help with pain management and improve range of motion in those suffering from sports injuries or chronic pain.

Massage therapy is part of integrative health care, which is a comprehensive and individualized approach. Our goal is to offer patient-focused care to our community to help with recovery from injuries and promote your overall wellbeing.

If you are looking for massage therapy in Chandler, get in touch today at (480) 897–0330 or, via our online form to book your free consultation.

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    Call today for your no obligation initial consultation. Includes exam & x-rays a $275 value! | 480-897-0330