Chiropractic Office Providing Pain Relief, Massage Therapy, and Work Injury Treatments in Chandler.


Specializing in chiropractic, A.R.T, massage. Treating spine pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel etc. We are available and we are affordable.

Power and performance is what Dr. Chris’ care gives me.

-Marquice Cole Sr. Professional athlete and patient

Chiropractic Care in Chandler

Chandler Pain Clinic offers a variety of chiropractic solutions for many types of neck, back, and shoulder pains, as well as other musculoskeletal concerns involving bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Our team of health professionals brings their different specialties together to create a customized treatment plan to help with your recovery. We have been serving the Chandler, AZ, area for more than two decades, and thrive to support the people of our community, no matter their age, situation, or medical history.

Our services include chiropractic, massage therapy, and the full body Active Release Technique (A.R.T.). These gentle health care solutions can be excellent alternatives to traditional chemical and/or surgical treatments. Our resident chiropractor, Dr. Chris Komarnisky, DC, has 32 years of experience and has helped patients with many types of injuries, including those obtained through work, sports, and auto accidents. Whether you are experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome, whiplash, or visceral organ problems, we will perform thorough evaluations and medical imagery to meet your needs with an appropriate plan.

Gentle Solutions for Musculoskeletal Pain

Find Relief at Chandler Pain Clinic

woman holding her back
Work Injury
man holding his neck
Auto Accident Injury
leg massage
Massage Therapy
art release of arm
Active Release Technique

Welcome to Your Local Chiropractic Clinic

Serving our local community in the East Valley (including Chandler, Tempe, Ahwatukee, and southeast Phoenix) is our goal. Most of our staff members live in the area and we want to use our expertise to help our neighbors be healthy. No matter how new or old your injuries are, our expert team will do their best to alleviate your pain and tailor a treatment plan to address the underlying cause.We offer an introductory package to our new patients, including an initial exam, consultation, and x-rays without any obligation. This allows you to learn more about your specific problem and we can discuss how we may help you. We want to be sure our chiropractic solutions are appropriate for your situation. Your health is our priority, and we look forward to providing you with gentle health care for your musculoskeletal pains. Please call us today at (480) 897-0330 to schedule your consultation.
couple walking and smiling

About Us

Dr Komarnisky

For the past 30 years Dr. Chris Komarnisky has used Chiropractic, Active Release Technique (A.R.T.), and other active therapies to help patients from all walks of life recover from a variety of physical injuries. Low back painsciatica painneck painshoulder pain, golfer/tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome and more.

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    Experience Matters

    Helping Good People Get Better


    No obligation initial consult, exam and x-rays($275 value)

    Active Release Techniques (ART) Full Body Certified

    Over 32 Years of Chiropractic Care Experience

    Call today for your no obligation initial consultation. Includes exam & x-rays a $275 value! | 480-897-0330